Major and Minor Trans Issues, Again
I previously criticized efforts by some Democrats and non-conservatives to
defuse Democratic vulnerability to anti-trans demagoguery by sacrificing
minor i...
F*ck Big Book
[image: F*ck Big Book]
The ‘Big Five’ publishing houses wield enormous global power, controlling
80% of the English-language trade publishing market.
Four Wins
*A Friday Hodgepodge*
*Whenever possible, I list three wins at the end of each day. Here are a
few from a recent review of my planner.*
*1*. As noted b...
CBA’s Labor & Employment Symposium is Coming
The Connecticut Bar Association’s Annual Advanced Labor & Employment
Symposium is right around the corner. Scheduled for March 27, 2025 at the
Grassy Hil...
WIRTW #748: the 'tracking' edition
"I have nothing to do with Project 2025. That's out there. I haven't read
it. I don't want to read it, purposely. I'm not going to read it. This was
a gr...
Forgotten New York -
I got this photo at the dawn of Forgotten NY in the winter of 1998 at
Bedford Avenue and North 4th, when Williamsburg was still an ...
How Can 400 Kingsland Benefit Greenpoint?
On December 26, 2024, ExxonMobil sold its last waterfront property on
Newtown Creek: the 10-acre parcel at 400 Kingsland Avenue in Greenpoint.
The property...
More Reasons to be Guardedly Optimistic
University of Toronto visiting law professor and economist Neil H. Buchanan
discusses the potential end of the Musk-Trump administration and reasons
for ho...
Introducing The Dream Hotel
If you have a smartphone, you’ll no doubt have had a moment when you
realized that it knew more about you than you’d ever expected. Even though
you’ve agre...
Trump and Elon Musk: Policy at Home and Abroad
This is an open thread for all things related to Donald Trump's second
administration, including Elon Musk, his non-elected co-leader, and Stephen
How High the Sky?
We’re in the thick of BigLaw’s year-end earnings season, where firms left
and right are reporting their FY2024 financial results. The numbers of
greatest ...
The biglaw bubble: will it ever burst?
Large, commercial law firms seem to be making shed loads of money. Good
luck to them, you might say, in an open market, particularly if it supports
the UK ...
Budget Freezes Are Coming for Higher Education
During the last three weeks, I have thought a lot about the beginning of
the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020. By the end of the first full week
of March...
Moss Walls vs. Living Walls: Why Not Choose Both!
Moss walls and living walls are the two most popular options for vertical
gardens in green buildings. But did you know they can also work together to
I've moved to Substack. Come join me there.
Hello readers,
After blogging on this site since 2007, and at Forbes since 2010, I've
moved all of my content over to Substack, at
“No matter what” and the U.S. Attorney for D.C.
“No matter what.” These are chilling words to hear from any law enforcement
official. After all, given the enormous stakes involved in a criminal
Musk Puts Another Nail in the Twitter Coffin
Elon Musk has confirmed that, if you put a link in a Twitter post, the post
will be throttled. In other words, it is a negative for his algorithm.
Read for our latest Issue on the Theme MUNCH
The theme of the Spring 2025 issue of The New School’s food writing
publication, The Inquisitive Eater, is MUNCH. This issue of The Inquisitive
Eater explo...
Judge Blocks FTC Noncompete Ban
Just a brief post to note that, as I predicted, a red state judge, at the
urging of Republicans, has blocked the FTC from implementing its ban on
Spring Veggie and Salmon Salad.
May is National Salad Month, and I am celebrating with my salad besties at
Little Leaf Farms over on Instagram this week! They asked me to share a
Zafree Paper : Manufacturer of Tree - Free Paper
Zafree Paper manufactures 100% Tree-Free and Sustainable Pulp, Paper and
Packaging Solutions...Based in Ethiopia, we are pioneers in transforming
Selling Amway in the Congo
This is a story about some encounters I had nearly 20 years ago in
Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, while researching my dissertation on
transnational migra...
A Hard Pass
The United States District Court for the District of Columbia (Judge Bates)
has denied injunctive relief to a journalist who covers the White House
Simon A...
Article: Proposing a Model Antilapse Clause
Raymond C O’Brien (Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law)
and published a Paper titled, Proposing a Model Antilapse Clause, CUA
Columbus S...
The First CPTPP Panel Report
The first CPTPP panel report, in the Canada - Dairy TRQs case, was just
circulated. A case on similar issues has already been litigated under the
USMCA, an...
On losing interest in politics
As I get older, I find myself giving less of a [mild scatalogical expletive
omitted] about politics. Which is sort of odd for somebody who once was
very en...
In re Cellect (Fed. Cir. 2023)
By Kevin E. Noonan -- The Federal Circuit decided a question left open
during a recent spate of opinions involving the judicially created doctrine
of obvio...
Trump Indictment # 4 - Georgia-Part One
Fulton County Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis spoke about the Georgia
Grand Jury Indictment issued yesterday. A review of the Indictment and my
Launching New Legal Ethics Weekly Roundup
Blogging here at the Legal Ethics Forum has gone quiet in recent years.
I've been missing the regular updates and commentary on all things related
to legal...
Some Links
(Don Boudreaux) TweetWriting in the Wall Street Journal, NYU physicist
Steven Koonin reports on how the Biden White House inadvertently told the
truth abou...
UN Special Rapporteur Releases Guantánamo Report
On June 26, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and
Counter-Terrorism Fionnuala Ní Aoláin released her report following a technical
visit t...
Legal Oddities: Criminal Hairspray
Under section 46.05(a)(3) of the Texas Penal Code, it is a felony to
possess, manufacture, transport, repair, or sell a "prohibited weapon,"
including a ...
We Need Copyright Eminent Domain
by Marc J. Randazza I can’t take it anymore. I woke up today, looked at my
twitter feed, and what do I see? Our hero, Dee Snyder singing his iconic
song… i...
Customer Agent Rendering
A customer representative or perhaps buyer broker is the strategy of a
brokerage or property broker symbolizing a client in an financial
commitment transac...
Portable Washing Machine with Wash and Spin Cycles
Summary Living in a small apartment and have no room for a giant washing
machine? With a weight of just 24lbs (11kg), the TG23 Portable Washing
Machine f...
Réponse à Éric Zemmour sur CNEWS
Bernard-Henri était l’invité de Pascal Praud ce vendredi 15 octobre 2021
dans L’Heure des Pros, sur CNEWS, pour répondre aux attaques d’Eric
Did dark magic conjure up the British Empire?
- An unremarkable stone circle in Mudchute Park is said to have a wild
and dark history.
- Legend has it that this is where John Dee used magic ...
Dear Bitter Butch: How Do I Weed Out Creeps?
Dear Bitter Butch, I am a woman back dating men again for the first time in
many years which is stressful enough but I’m also in a complicated,
Between Tamago and Potemkin
*by Michael C. Dorf*
There's an episode of *Curb Your Enthusiasm* in which Larry arrives at the
new house of his manager Jeff and Jeff's wife Susie, who...
The End
Back in 2011, a group of academic philosophers started a blog called
“Bleeding Heart Libertarians.” The idea behind that blog was simple, but
also somewh...
A good run: Overlawyered, 1999-2020
I published the first Overlawyered post on July 1, 1999, and I expect this
post on May 31, 2020 will be the last. As someone in the entertainment
world o...
The Importance of Being Earnest
There are a couple of things to be excited about. The first is that Ranil
has made his Youtube debut. Above you can watch him present on of his PhD
papers ...
وداعا طارق الدزيري
استيقظت الآن بعد ليلة متعبة ,اضطررت خلالها الى التنفس بالاكسيجين كثمن
ليومين أرهقت فيهما جسدي كثيرا , لأعرف
برحيل جريح الثورة طارق الدزيري .
رحم الله...
Abolish the Police?
Some ideas of the soft-on-crime crowd are simply misguided, but some are so
bizarre as to make one question their sanity. Christopher Rufo has this
Downloading and Viewing OSE’s Wiki Offline
November 25, 2019: You can now download an archive of the entire Open
Source Ecology Wiki! Now our blueprints-for-a-civilization available as a
file on a...
Balani Show, Origins
“Balani Show” is a Malian phenomena with two decades of history.
Surprisingly, there is little about it, even in Western academic circles.
In Mali, it’s so...
Emerging occupations and businesses
In developed areas, a whole range of service providing businesses is
booming. Floor installation, home and carpet cleaning (have a look at
carpet cleanin...
Awesome Con 2019
For DC-area readers: I will be at Awesome Con in Washington, DC this
Friday, April 26th! I will be part of a panel on “Law and Order in Comics”
along with ...
What is really happening in Venezuela?
I just returned from 11 days in Venezuela, my sixth trip there since 2005.
Many people have asked me how they can understand what’s really happening
in Ven...
Ahmed Ag Kaedy – Akaline Kidal
Akaline Kidal by Ahmed Ag Kaedy The new album from Ahmed Ag Kaedy “Akaline
Kidal” is a very long time in the making. I first met Ahmed years back, in
Do it with passion
On recommend tolerably my belonging or am. Mutual has cannot beauty indeed
now sussex merely you. It possible no husbands jennings ye offended
packages ple...
What Great Mystery
Hey, been a minute. Do people even write blogs anymore? Should I just put
this on my livejournal?
So it's a new year, and everyone's already written their ...
The beginning of the end
borrowed wisdom is still wisdomGreetings readers!
After 10 years, I am going to stop blogging at aguanomics.
I am doing this because I have written quite ...
Somali Refugees Beaten by ICE Speak Out
As an update to our previous story, “LaSalle Guards Beat, Pepper Sprayed
African Asylum Seekers,” The Intercept reported on the grave abuses
suffered by ...
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
The new Tarantino movie has been titled, and Brad Pitt and Leonardo
DiCaprio are set to star Tarantino describes the film as “a story that
takes place in L...
The New Not-So-Big House
I just finished flipping through my New Old House magazine. I got it a few
weeks ago (it’s the winter 2008 edition) but hadn’t gotten to it until now.
An e...
The Harsh Truth About India’s Godmen
Late last month, two Indian states and the national capital were upended by
rioting mobs protesting their spiritual leader’s conviction on two counts
of ...
Site Maintenance Very Soon
Dear BMG Folk: The site is about to undergo some maintenance and upgrades.
We’ll be down for a bit. Please stay tuned to the BMG Twitter account
Gaza: an april
In Gaza, everyone grows in 3 layered darkness, dies in 6 feet of darkness,
and everything in between is a headless search of a speck of light.
Religion Is Super Subjectivism
Shows why religion—or “supernatural” subjectivism—is significantly more
subjective than secular subjectivism.
The post Religion Is Super Subjectivism app...
Equality Deserves Commitment from Betsy DeVos
*by Lauren A. Khouri, Associate Attorney at Correia & Puth, PLLC*
This week, the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and
Pensions (HELP) he...
Global Day of Generosity on #GivingTuesday
On November 29 we’re joining a global day of generosity, #GivingTuesday.
It’s a day when you can make a big impact for Amman Imman and for...
On the Passing of Tom Hayden
On Sunday, October 23rd, 2016, Tom Hayden, former California politician and
lifelong activist, passed away in Santa Monica, California surrounded by
Why Does My Church Oppose Medical Marijuana?
In February I found myself in a private meeting with the infamous “home
teachers”—the somewhat pejorative nickname given to the two lobbyists
employed by t...
Officer from Bankcock, Thailand Visits APD
Lieutenant Tatiyarerg Chaisinlapa of the Bancock, Thailand Police
Department is spendind some time in Amherst while taking classes at Umass.
Officer Matt ...
Zangba – “I’m Good For You”
Emerging artist Zangba releases a fresh, radio-friendly single, entitled,
“I’m Good For You”, off of his Hip-Hop, Soul, and R&B album, which is
quickly gai...
Don't Look Now
"I love it when a status quo comes together." - Democracy
“Oh my God, it's 1968 all over again. They're booing! Don't you understand?
They're booing!” - N...
Feed no longer exists
This feed no longer exists. Cambridge Journals Online and Cambridge Books
Online have been replaced by Cambridge University Press’s new academic
platform, ...
Marine Major Thompson goes full Leeroy Jenkins
Drudging up the old Leeroy Jenkins meme is the only way to fairly describe
what Marine Major Mark Thompson has done to himself. First, some background
on M...
Please Share - "You Only See Me When I'm Gone"
My friend Alan Scott has released a new song and video called "You Only See
Me When I'm Gone," featuring Eric Garner's mother, Gwen Carr. It's a
beautiful ...
Recipe: Berry Chia Breakfast Parfait
Check out a way to win everything pictured on our Instagram page here!
-2 cups So Delicious Unsweetened Coconut Milk
-1/2 cup Salba Chia ...
Tips for Creating a Green Bathroom
It’s easy for bathrooms to become a source of energy waste in our homes.
Taking long showers, running water while you brush your teeth, using light
bulbs t...
NRDC Defends California's Ivory Law in Court
Elly Pepper, Legislative Advocate, Washington, DC: Last year, California
became the third state in the country to pass legislation (Assembly Bill
96) restr...
This is the End #1
After 13+ years living in Mount Pleasant and 8+ years writing this
website, this is the end!
Until I get The X2 site is really up and running, I wanted t...
How we talk about Islam in Mali and Beyond
Over at Sahel Blog, Alex Thurston has a typically excellent piece rebutting
Sebastian Elischer’s arguments about Islam in Mali, particularly Elischer’s
Stoking Hatred, Once Again
Donald Trump is calling for a complete ban on Muslim immigrants, students
or tourists coming to the U.S. Is this a new American fascism?
Secret Admirers
One of the more interesting books this blogger has read lately Georgi M.
Derluguian’s Bourdieu’s Secret Admirer in the Caucasus (University of
Chicago Pres...
Insane Clown Posse Wins Appeal
Last Thursday, the Sixth Circuit reinstated the lawsuit by ICP and certain
Juggalos (the group's fans) challenging the FBI's classification of
Dry Stacked Food Bar on a Ferry?!
This past Memorial Day weekend I was contacted by Sextant Works to build a
“stone thingy ma-bob” for one of their super secret events. All they could
MY DAD AND HOW HE MADE ME LIE TO THE CLERGY If he was still with us here in
the land of the living, today would’ve been my Dad’s 78th Birthday. This
Set the Mood with ENERGY STAR!
By Latosha Thomas So…your special someone decided that she wants to stay in
for Valentine’s Day this year. What to do, what to do?! After getting this
The Years Of Writing Dangerously
Thirteen years ago, as I was starting to experiment with this blogging
thing, I wrote the following: [T]he speed with which an idea in your head
reaches th...
Adios from FIPS
*It’s so say y-e-s-t-e-r-d-aaaaaaaa-y --Boyz2Men*
So as you may have noticed, things have been pretty darn quiet around these
What Does Community Mean to You?
Dear Supporter,
On a Friday night last month, twelve Save Our Streets (S.O.S.) program
participants gathered to explore this question and consider what m...
Talk about a cliff hanger…
I sure picked a great time to go on a blogging hiatus, didn’t I? Needless
to say, I am alive and my biopsy was nothing. Why did I stop writing, you
ask? We...
The Pussywillow is Blooming
It has been a long, long time!! The year has flown by, and we’ve been so
immersed in living that blogging has fallen to the wayside. But with the
advent of...
We’ve Relocated, Please Visit Our New Address.
If you’re reading this, you’ve reached the old site for At Counsel Table.
We’ll be closing this site shortly. You can still get the same reliable,
Follow us on Politics on the Hudson
Thanks to everyone who has been a loyal reader of Albany Watch. As of
today, we are combining the content here with Politics on the Hudson, the
politics ...
Your hair, and what we found in it
it was shorter, before.
now, it's long, and worn up,
in a tight bun,
or down,
across your shoulders.
and only when you're sleeping,
yr back turned,
and onl...
Same Sex Marriage and Immigration
Earlier this year, the Supreme Court struck down section 3 of the Defense
of Marriage Act of 1996 (DOMA) in US v. Windsor (113 S.Ct. 2675 (2013)).
Without ...
Call for Van Donation
Work Van Needed for Crew: Clearwater are looking for a donation of a used
minivan (any make/model) that can seat 7, doors on both sides, with
removable or ...
Justhost Hosting coupons and promos
Justhost Hosting Features & Plan Awarded with the Best Features Awards in
the year 2009 and ranked number one in the Host of the Year 2010 among
other awar...
Why We Don’t Need Facebook
I met an Irishman named Peter once. It was in a village called Nkhotakota,
on the shore of Lake Malawi, where he was volunteering as part of a youth
Wall of text!
In my last post I was speaking from a very heart centered place. In the
next couple of posts, I’d like to translate some of what I have been
learning into ...
Undoing a Spell (Without Magic)
READ AT NYTIMES.COM » As someone who uses The Times’s stylebook frequently
enough to have installed it in the upper-right-hand search window in
Firefox — i...
26 Hours in Heaven and Hell
My yoga instructor always leads class with this blessing: May all of the
wicked return to good May all who are good obtain true peace May all who
are peace...
Parallel passages
1. Paul Muldoon, "White Shoulders":
My heart is heavy. For I saw Fionnuala,
"The Gem of the Roe," "The Flower of Sweet Strabane,"
when a girl reached down ...
The Real Work Begins
News reports yesterday were of the first ‘suicide bomber’ in Gao. However,
when I talked to sources in Gao the response was that it was an inept rebel
external hard drive
Found: on my desk. Capacity: 640 GB. Use: holding an enormous amount of
digital information to which I am very, very attached. Contains:
everything. (more ...
Why They Make Fun of Us?
Arab News reports: Saudi women expressed outrage at Chelsea Handler, the
American host of the TV show “Chelsea Lately,” when she swore at Saudi men
for bei...
so, it’s been a while and i’ve been neglecting the blog. there are a lot of
reasons for that, but mostly i haven’t done much knitting over the past few
Big Girls Don't Cry
*November–December 1962*
Another Four Seasons entry, so soon after the first! Everyone should know
this one.
Is it just me, or is this *exactly* the sam...
Whedon Brings S.H.I.E.L.D. to TV
Confirming most people's beliefs (my money was on D-Man) it was recently
announced that Joss Whedon's deal with Marvel to helm Avengers 2 as well as
الفكر مش ملك
المجلس التأسيسي يحب يحط الملكيّة الفكريّة في الدّستور. وبهاذا نولّيو رسميّا
اوّل دولة مستعمرة فكريّا في تاريخ الانسانيّة. شكون باش يستعمرنا؟ شركات و
Mr. Roberts Rides Again
Where Owen Roberts would ride out the remainder of his tenure untrusted by
the left and a traitor to the right, his namesake is well positioned to
redeem a...
Cost-Benefit Jumps the Shark
The Department of Justice's Economic Analysis of Prison Rape by Lisa
Heinzerling Despite initial signs suggesting a different path, the Obama
For better or for worse, my time in Rwanda has come to a bittersweet end.
At the moment I am in the Schiphol airport in Amsterdam on my way home to
NY/DC. ...
Words from Big
The first I sent my greetings to all of you, and thank to your helps to my
studies, so I don’t have any way to express your love to me. I thank
teacher Em...
Lake Bonney Camp
We spent a week at McMurdo organizing supplies, analyzing the data and
preparing for our next trip to the field. After saying farewell to the
team (with...
Ron Paul’s Bad Memory
Odd experience on CNN this morning. I was on a panel that had a chance to
interview Ron Paul. I asked this question: “I attended a precinct caucus
last nig...
On Diverging Energies and the End of the Year
Seattle has been absolutely beautiful lately. Crisp, cool air. Blue skies.
Little rain. This was excellent news as I bounded out of my house yesterday
The White House Signing Ceremony
On Monday, November 21st, 2011 at 3PM President Obama officially signed the
Kate Puzey Peace Corps Volunteer Protection Act into law at a signing
Smokers’ Rights in the Employment Context
Can employers refuse to hire a applicants for their tobacco use? In most
states, the answer is “yes.” Unless the candidate is applying for a job in
a State...
Goodbye to Amadu, time to bring sexy back
I hesitated for a while trying to decide whether or not I wanted to write
one last entry. Summing up two years cannot be done. Even trying to pin
down ever...
love it, love it hard
This weekend, on Saturday night, when I should’ve been out soaking in the
city, I stayed up chopping it up with a sista law student. Its always a
Movies and Midnight in Paris, take II
Note: this post contains some mild movie spoilers, but nothing not already
evident from previews. I really love seeing movies in this city. I often
see Ame...
The Art of Possible
We (the United States) could upgrade our infrastructure such that we
consume 90% less energy, without costing our economy one extra dime. How?
We could i...
Ron Paul or Gary Johnson?
With Gary Johnson's entry into the 2012 presidential race, David Wiegel has
an interesting article. The article's subhead presents an interesting
conflict ...
Photo taken by the lovely Jesse Horowitz Circle Scarf... also known as the
eternity scarf...was really easy to make! This is made out of my favorite--
World Cup Bathrooms
These awesome pictures are from Allan and were taken in Germany right after
the world cup. In his words: "They had the best toilet accessory that I had
Subsidies and the Hidden Costs of Fossil Fuels
There has been much debate recently about subsidy in the energy industry
and for wind energy in particular. According to the EIA, in 2007, wind
energy rec...
I've been struggling quite a bit over the past 5 or so years with
implementing true compromise. Communication dogs me day in and day out, but
at the heart ...
Marty Peretz and the Intent/Effect Principle
*Crossposted from the HPRgument.*
Harvard University is a private institution with a private set of needs,
among them financial needs and the ever-present ...
pancake chef
our flight wasn’t until 11, so we had plenty of time for a big breakfast.
and found the perfect spot, pancake chef, just a half-mile from the seattle
more tk
A few racing people have linked here in recent weeks—thanks so much for
that! Though the date of my last entry gives the (fair) impression that
I’ve abando...
Botswana's Tourist Trade Roars
Wide-open skies, teeming wildlife, well-developed infrastructure, and a
stable political scene combine to make Botswana one of Africa’s fastest
growing tou...
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